Summer Camp


When: June 15 - 21, 2025   

Sunday - Saturday 
31 Woodruff Dr, Blairsville, GA 30512
 $475 camp fee (covers all Merit Badges and activities) and $75 Troop fee (patches, awards, supplies, transportation, participating adults, etc.)

Note: Click on every GRAY button on this page and you will complete everything needed for Summer Camp (except payment). 

About Summer camp

Summer Camp at Woodruff Scout Camp will be an exciting and memorable week! Scouts will learn Scout skills, earn Merit Badges, participate in individual, patrol, and Troop challenges, and have great fun with friends! 

Key Dates

Register for camp

Only when the above three items are fully completed is registration finished.    


A Note About River Rafting

Scouts have the option to mark interest in river rafting. Woodruff offers two options: The Nantahala is appropriate for all ages and the Ocoee is more advanced and appropriate for traditional/older Scouts. However, please note that availability of the Ocoee is very limited and our Troop was unable to register Scouts for this last year due to prioritizing registration of Scouts' preferences in merit badges. We will do our best to honor requests for both rivers, but may have to instead register all rafters for the Nantahala if the Ocoee is unavailable.

If you sign up for the Ocoee and do not wish to attend the Nantahala (which is still a lot of fun!), please put that note in the comments section at the bottom of the form. Doing so would open that afternoon to free time for other activities at camp. Please also note that the day of the week you select for either river trip is a preference. The Troop will attend the river trip(s) as a group based on the day most preferred by Scouts and availability of the camp. Thank you for understanding this will need to be a flexible process driven by availability once Woodruff registration opens to our Troop.

Daily Schedule

Merit badges and activities

The below section outlines details and advice for selecting Merit Badges and Activities. Read through and click on the "Select Merit Badges, Activities, Program Here" button at the end of this section to make choices. 

First Year Scouts

Those crossing over into the Troop Spring 2025 should select the Mountaineer Program. This is a great opportunity to learn Scout skills and work on rank advancement by completing requirements together with other First Year Scouts. This program is scheduled for 2 of the 4 periods each morning. For their two remaining periods, First Year Scouts should choose Swimming and First Aid as these are foundational Merit Badges to completing requirements and other Merit Badges. First-Year Scouts will have the afternoons free to choose other Merit Badges or activities they would like to do. Click on the above link to Merit Badge Offerings to help plan your schedule.  Then click on the "Sign Up for Merit Badges" button below and complete the form, selecting Mountaineer Program as part of the schedule as well as other Merit Badge classes. 

Traditional Scouts 

Second year and older . . .  this will be most Scouts who will select individual Merit Badges. Click on the above  "Merit Badge Offerings" link to help plan your schedule. Then click the "Sign Up for Merit Badges" button below and complete the form to select your schedule. 

Older Scout Programs

Older Scouts who have completed needed Merit Badges can challenge themselves with other activities or adventures! When choosing this option, each morning (all 4 periods) are scheduled for the Older Scout program.  Options include 

Older Scouts in this program will have afternoons free for other activities. Click on the above link to the "Woodruff Participants Guide" to learn more about these. If this is for you, then click on the "Sign Up for Merit Badges" button below and complete the form, selecting Advanced Older Scout Program. 

Advice when selecting Merit badges

Special notes on Merit Badges

Afternoon Activities

Scouts have a lot of choices for how to spend their afternoons. 

special Events

A variety of fun activities, campfires, and programs are offered. 

Evening Troop/Patrol activities

Select the below Merit Badge link and complete the form by the deadline of Tuesday, April 1. The selection form will ask for both first and second choices in the event your first selection is not available upon full Troop registration with camp.

Camp Documents

Swim Test prior to camp

TBD is the date and time to plan to ensure your Scout is ready for Summer Camp. (Scouts can take the swim test at Woodruff upon arrival to summer camp if they can't make the primary date, but to ensure a fast check-in at Woodruff for everyone, it is best for all of us to test on the same date.

The Signup Genius link will be available here soon


Every Scout should have a completed waiver. Please turn in to the black box on Tuesday night

medical forms

Every participant will need Forms A, B1, B2 and C completed. You are responsible to keep medical forms current and a copy for your reference. 

If a participant does not have med forms completed by the dates outlined above, the participant will not go. If you need a new form to complete please obtain a copy at . . . 


If your Scout will take any medication (over-the-counter and/or prescription) during the campout, the parent must complete this dosage form and give just enough medication for the campout in original packaging to the medical officer. Parents should complete this form . . .

NO prescription, over the counter medicine, vitamins or herbal supplements are permitted in a scout’s luggage.

Emergency medications such as Epi-pen and albuterol inhalers should be kept with the Scout at all times!!!!!

Dietary needs

Medical and religious dietary restrictions can be accommodated. Campers can bring their own dietary supplements and food, which can be stored in the camp fridge and pantry. 

Dining Hall Menu


Bring your fishing pole! Our campsites are on a peninsula, so plenty of fishing opportunites around

Detailed list of gear your scout will need to make their stay in camp comfortable.

Gear guide explained - Review more detailed explanations of gear on the packing list 

Gear Recommendations page, (includes Hiker Direct link)

Click here for the Scout Shop online store



Adults who are attending Summer Camp are expected to transport Scouts each way. 

Additional adults will be needed to drive Scouts to camp on June 15 or from camp on June 21. When registering your Scout, please indicate if you can help on either or both days. The goal is to have enough volunteers so parents only need to drive one day. 

Those driving the trailers will be reimbursed $0.625 per mile.

Campsite Details


There is a long standing tradition for parents to make snacks (cookies, brownies, bacon for the adults, etc) to send with us for the week. We give these out to scouts that did a good deed, as a daily pick me up, and just because. You do not have to send anything but thanks to those that do.

You will drop them off at Scout Hall the day before departure, Saturday, June 14.

Label all homemade cookies (Gluten Free, Nut Free, etc.) for easier distribution to scouts with allergies.

Please make sure all cookies are in a disposable container that will not need to be returned.

Mail Call

Scouts LOVE to receive mail and packages from home.  Please send packages in enough time for them to arrive during the week (it is OK to send them the week before and the camp will hold them).  Mail can take 4 to 5 days to arrive so please plan accordingly. Any mail received after the Troop has checked out will be returned to the sender. 

Woodruff Scout Camp

Scouts Full Name

Troop 77 or 177, Week 3

31 Woodruff Drive 

Blairsville, GA 30512


Woodruff (Office)..................404-473-8015 

Atlanta Council .....................770-956-5687


Key contacts


1) The Troop 77 Campout and Activity Rules

2) The Troop 77 Electronics Policy 

3) The Troop 77 Discipline Policy

Cancellations and Refunds

If a Scout cancels their participation in Summer Camp



Union General Hospital

35 Hospital Rd

Blairsville, GA 30512

(706) 745-2111

Annual troop and Scouting America registrations

Click the link below to complete your Troop 77 membership renewal. A link to PayPal is provided at the end of the form to pay your 2025 Troop 77 Scout membership dues of $95.

Scouts and Adult volunteers also need to complete their 2025 Scouting America renewal, which is separate from the Troop 77 renewal. You can complete this by logging into and choosing “My Application” and “My Renewals.”

Contact with questions. 

Key reminders (as we get closer to camp)

Seatbelts - We need a parent or two to drive some Scouts to Woodruff on June 15 and a parent or two to drive some Scouts back from Woodruff on June 21. The time commitment on June 15 is 9:00 a.m.-3:30 p.m. and on June 21 the time commitment is approximately 6:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Let know if you can drive and how many seatbelts for Scouts you have. 


Label all clothing and gear - To reunite clothing and gear with its Scout owner, it is very helpful to have names on items! As a reminder, plastic trunks (storage lockers) are recommended for summer camp to keep everything organized throughout the week. Your Scout’s trunk should also have his name on it.

Every Scout should have 2 water bottles, 32 oz each - Names must be on them. Clear ones are best so that adults can quickly audit who is drinking enough water  .  . . and who needs to refill their bottle. 

Rain - The forecast for next week includes rain. Scouts should ensure they have good rain gear and an extra pair of shoes (label all of it)

Ointment - We recommend that each scout brings a tube of diaper ointment (Desitin, etc) or an anti-chafe stick like Body Glide Body to prevent chaffing during the week. Many of our kids are taking waterfront classes in bathing suits early in the day and won't be back to our site to change until late afternoon. Chafing can set it in during that time and it's much easier to prevent this painful condition than to treat it after it has started. Label the product with their name, instruct them not to share it, tell them to carry it in their day packs during the day, and apply it first thing before getting dressed for the day, and reapply as needed.  It is recommended to talk about how to apply it while at home so that Scouts are prepared when they get to camp. Also, encourage them to talk to any male leader if this becomes an issue during the week. 

Instruments - Scouts who can play a musical instrument are encouraged to bring it to camp!! BE SURE to label your musical instrument and keep it protected from weather. Send Mr Leff an email to coordinate! ( The more the merrier! 

Sit down with your scout and read through the 3 documents near the bottom of this website . . . . Campout and Activity Rules, Electronics Policy, and Discipline Policy. Scouts need to be clear on the troop's rules and the consequences of breaking the troop's rules. These rules are in place for their safety (and our sanity). Copies of each of these policies will be displayed on the bulletin board located in our Woodruff campsite.

Next steps: Let SPL know about Friday help, plan time on Saturday to complete the check-in, and use this week to have your Scout pack gear for the week (with review by a parent for younger Scouts).